4 Best Prenatal Vitamins for a Healthy Pregnancy, According to Doctors in 2024

Navigating proper nutrition during pregnancy can be challenging, especially with the presence of morning sickness, food aversions, cravings, and other factors.

Prenatal vitamins offer a reliable way to ensure that both the mother and baby receive the necessary vitamins and minerals, even when dietary choices are influenced by pregnancy-related factors.

We analyzed a selection of prenatal vitamins and determined the following for prenatals to be the best

  • Fullwell

  • Ritual

  • Thorne

  • Perelel

Spoiler alert, I think Thorne is the best overall, and is what I am currently taking during my pregnancy. You can buy it on fullscript here. (plus its 20% off!)

Key Takeaways

  • Prenatal vitamins are crucial for both mother and fetus, not just for preventing neural tube defects.

  • Choose the best prenatal based on your trimester

  • Diet can’t always fill all the gaps

  • Go beyond vitamins, seek other options to help improve your pregnancy (read on to find out what those are)

best prenatal vitamin

Factors that determined our Favorite Prenatal Supplements

Nutrient Composition: Our selection encompasses products explicitly designed to fulfill the nutritional requirements of pregnancy.

Ingredient Quality: We sought supplements crafted from premium-quality ingredients, devoid of artificial additives and preservatives.

Quality Assurance: Our chosen products undergo rigorous testing for purity and potency, ideally conducted by an independent third-party organization.

Customer Feedback: The items featured below have garnered predominantly positive online reviews.

FullWell Women's Prenatal Vitamin

Healthy diet


All major nutrient groups are fulfilled in this prenatal, putting it at the top for me. Looking at the dosages, it is more than sufficient. The methylated folate, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, iodine are a few nutrients that stand out in this supplement.


This product has been thoroughly third party tested. Additionally to that, the reviews are wonderful to read through!


When it comes to consumption, the serving size is 8 capsules. When it comes to supplementing during pregnancy, morning sickness and nausea can make supplementing difficult. The other issue I see as a practitioner is that fish oil and DHA supplements are not included.


The cost is $49.95 per month. Since it does not include fish oil, there might be additional supplements that add more cost per month.

Ritual Prenatal Multivitamin Capsules

organic prenatal vitamin


For starters, this supplement uses methylated folate, which is a must in prenatal vitamins. It also contains vitamin d, B12, choline, iron supplement, iodine, and magnesium. This prenatal vitamin is unique because it contains boron, K2 and DHA supplement.


It is a part of the non-GMO project and third-party tested. They have all the nutrient suppliers listed.


It only provides about one-tenth of the choline a pregnant person should be consuming.


I have found the cost to be anywhere from $23.40- $39.00. Which is very reasonable, but if you are looking to get a more comprehensive multivitamin, there may be additional supplements necessary.

Thorne Basic Prenatal Vitamin

Best Prenatal Vitamin


This blend of nutrients is quite comprehensive for pregnancy and breastfeeding. This Thorne product uses highly absorbable folate, vitamin b6, vitamin b 12, vitamin C, vitamin K and minerals. The large amount of absorbable B12 will highly impact the growth of the baby's brain development. Taking this supplement early on can impact the baby's neural tube, which is amazing!


Thorne is a highly trusted supplement brand, not only do they partner with sports teams and the Olympics, but they also partner with the Mayo Clinic. They are third-party tested and very have specific requirements for their supplements to accommodate for the athletes that use the product.


Choline is lacking in this product, only 20% of the ideal daily value. It does not contain fish oil either, so eating a diet with fatty fish and eggs would be beneficial when choosing this supplement.


I found this product as low as $27.00 on Amazon. This is a one month supply.

Perelel Prenatal Pack

neural Tube Defect


This is a very complete prenatal vitamin including Omega 3 fatty acids and EPA. This prenatal changes based on where you are during your pregnancy. In the first trimester, they include an anti-nausea blend for morning sickness, which is essential for mothers!


These supplements are apart of the non-GMO project and are third-party tested.


The number one criticism is the smell of the supplements


This supplement is more costly- depending on how you decide to pay $50-60 per month.

Folic Acid Daily

low folic acid intake

Fetal brain development is something every parent should have on their mind! Folic acid, a crucial B-vitamin, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the optimal development of the fetal neural tube, making folic acid an essential component of prenatal vitamins for pregnant women. The neural tube develops into the baby's brain and spinal cord during the early stages of pregnancy, emphasizing the significance of adequate folic acid intake.

Common Neural Tube Defects

Fetal Collagen Production
  • Spina Bifida

  • Anencephaly

Neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and anencephaly, are severe conditions that can occur when there is an insufficient supply of folic acid during the early weeks of pregnancy. To mitigate the risk of these defects, healthcare providers often recommend pregnant women take a prenatal vitamin containing an adequate amount of folic acid.

Prenatal vitamins, encompassing folic acid among other vital nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron, are formulated to bridge potential nutritional gaps that may arise during pregnancy.

It is noteworthy that a balanced diet alone may not provide the recommended levels of folic acid, making supplementation a prudent choice.

For pregnant women, incorporating a prenatal vitamin into their daily routine becomes especially crucial as it not only supports the prevention of neural tube defects but also contributes to overall maternal and fetal health. The benefits extend beyond the prevention of birth defects to encompass vital aspects such as the baby's brain development, emphasizing the far-reaching impact of adequate folic acid intake.

As the neural tube forms within the first few weeks of pregnancy, it is paramount for women planning or expecting a pregnancy to start taking prenatal vitamins early on, aligning with the recommended practice mentioned in the keywords.

The Importance of Taking Prenatal Vitamins During Pregnancy

avoid low birth weight

Taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy is of paramount importance to ensure both the mother's well-being and the optimal development of the growing fetus. Prenatal vitamins, including essential components such as folic acid, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, play a crucial role in filling potential nutritional gaps that may arise during pregnancy.

These supplements provide a comprehensive array of nutrients necessary for fetal growth and development, supporting key processes like neural tube formation and brain development. The keywords highlight various aspects of this importance, emphasizing the role of prenatal vitamins in preventing birth defects, promoting a healthy pregnancy, and addressing specific nutrient needs like omega-3 fatty acids and iron.

Initiating the supplementation early, as suggested by the recommendation to start taking prenatal vitamins, ensures that the developing fetus receives the necessary nutrients from the outset, contributing to a healthier pregnancy and reducing the risk of complications. Consulting with a healthcare provider and choosing the best prenatal vitamin, as indicated by the keywords, further underscores the personalized approach needed for each pregnant woman to optimize maternal and fetal health throughout the journey of pregnancy.

The Best Prenatal Vitamins During the First Trimester

folic acid iron

During the first trimester of pregnancy, several key nutrients in prenatal vitamins are particularly crucial for the well-being of both the mother and the developing fetus.

Foremost among these is folic acid, an essential B-vitamin that aids in the prevention of neural tube defects, ensuring the proper formation of the baby's brain and spinal cord.

Vitamin D is equally vital during the initial stages, as it supports the absorption of calcium, fundamental for the development of the baby's bones and teeth.

Iron is indispensable for preventing maternal anemia and facilitating the transport of oxygen to the growing fetus.

Additionally, vitamin B12 is essential for neurological development.

Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to fetal brain and eye development.

These nutrients, encapsulated in prenatal vitamins, form a comprehensive support system during the critical first trimester, emphasizing the importance of a well-rounded supplement regimen to address the dynamic nutritional needs of both the expectant mother and the developing baby.

The Best Prenatal Vitamins During the Second Trimester

american pregnancy association

As pregnancy progresses into the second trimester, certain key nutrients in prenatal vitamins become even more pivotal for the health and development of both the expectant mother and the growing fetus.

Iron remains critical during this stage to support the increasing demands for blood volume, preventing maternal anemia and ensuring an adequate oxygen supply to the baby.

Calcium and vitamin D continue to be essential for the formation of the baby's bones and teeth, with calcium also playing a role in maintaining the mother's bone health.

Vitamin B6 becomes increasingly important for its role in metabolizing protein and red blood cells.

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, continue to contribute to the development of the baby's brain and eyes.

Vitamin K, which supports blood clotting and bone metabolism. This comprehensive blend of nutrients addresses the specific demands of the second trimester, emphasizing the importance of continued supplementation to ensure optimal health outcomes for both mother and baby.

The Best Prenatal Vitamins During the Third Trimester

prevent birth defects

In the third trimester of pregnancy, certain key nutrients in prenatal vitamins become particularly vital for supporting the well-being of both the expectant mother and the developing fetus.

Iron remains crucial during this stage to address the escalating demand for blood volume, aiding in the prevention of maternal anemia and ensuring an adequate supply of oxygen to the growing baby.

Calcium and vitamin D continue to play a pivotal role in the final stages of fetal bone and teeth development, while also supporting the maintenance of the mother's bone health.

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, remain essential for optimal brain and eye development of the baby.

Vitamin K, an often-overlooked nutrient, becomes more significant in the third trimester for its role in blood clotting and bone metabolism.

Additionally, vitamin A, C, and E contribute to immune health, tissue repair, and protection against oxidative stress. These carefully balanced nutrients in prenatal vitamins cater to the distinct needs of the third trimester, underscoring the ongoing importance of comprehensive supplementation for maternal and fetal health.

Do I have to take a prenatal vitamin to get pregnant?

ginger root extract

The short answer is no! You may be thinking, why did I just read this article if prenatal vitamins aren't that important? Prenatal vitamins can set the stage for fertility, or if already pregnant, help maintain a pregnancy without pregnancy complications. A prenatal vitamin doesn't mean that you can completely neglect your nutrition either. It is simply there to fill in the gaps where there might be some nutrient deficiencies. All the nutrients needed for a healthy diet can be found through whole foods, but it takes being very intentional with your diet. Depending on whether you are battling food allergies or aversions can add a layer of difficulty to this challenge as well.

Vitafusion Prenatal Supplements

These gummy vitamins and minerals are a good option for those who cannot swallow pills. For many mothers, this is a wonderful option. Some expecting mothers say these gummies are their "treat" every morning because not only do they work well, but they taste good too! Get all the necessary nutrients you need with gummies if traditional capsules are not an option for you!

Why Chiropractic Care and Prenatal Vitamins Lead To A Healthy Pregnancy

vitamin C with vitamin b12

As a holistic chiropractor, Dr. Allison understands the crucial role that a combination of chiropractic care and prenatal vitamins plays in ensuring a healthy pregnancy. The journey of pregnancy is a transformative and delicate period that requires special attention to the mother's physical health and the optimal development of the growing fetus. In this article, we have explored the significance of essential nutrients, such as folic acid, vitamin D, and the benefits of incorporating organic prenatal vitamins and supplements into the prenatal care routine.

Essential Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy:

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is essential for both the mother and the developing baby. Essential nutrients like folic acid, a B-vitamin, play a vital role in preventing neural tube defects during the early stages of fetal development. Ensuring an adequate intake of folic acid is crucial for spinal cord development and reducing the risk of such defects.

Vitamin D is another key nutrient that contributes to a healthy pregnancy. It aids in the absorption of calcium, promoting strong bone development in the fetus. Exposure to sunlight is a natural way to obtain vitamin D, but supplementation may be necessary, especially for those with limited sun exposure.

The Role of Organic Prenatal Vitamins and Supplements:

organic prenatal vitamin

In recent years, the market has seen an influx of prenatal vitamins and supplements. Opting for organic prenatal vitamins ensures that the mother receives essential nutrients without the potential harmful effects of synthetic additives. Many prenatal vitamins contain a well-balanced mix of vitamins and minerals necessary for supporting fetal development and the mother's overall health.

Preventing Complications:

Prenatal vitamins play a crucial role in preventing complications such as preterm birth and iodine deficiency. Adequate iodine levels are essential for proper thyroid function, and a deficiency can lead to developmental issues in the baby. Including a reputable prenatal supplement that addresses iodine requirements is vital for a healthy pregnancy.

Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy:

Prenatal Vitmain

Beyond nutritional considerations, chiropractic care is gaining recognition as a valuable component of prenatal care. Maintaining proper spinal alignment can positively impact the nervous system, enhancing overall well-being. Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy may alleviate discomfort, enhance mobility, and contribute to a smoother birthing process. Some studies show that it can decrease labor times and pain by up to 60%.

The Connection Between Overall Health and the Immune System:

A healthy pregnancy isn't just about the baby's development; it also involves supporting the mother's immune system. Chiropractic care and proper nutrition can contribute to a stronger immune system, reducing the likelihood of infections that may affect both the mother and the developing baby.

Learning from Prior Pregnancies:

For mothers who have experienced complications in prior pregnancies, the combination of chiropractic care and prenatal vitamins becomes even more crucial. Learning from past experiences and taking proactive measures to address nutritional deficiencies and maintain optimal health can significantly impact the outcome of subsequent pregnancies.

Final Note from Dr. Allison

When it comes to pregnancy and any health condition, there is no one-size-fits-all all approach. What works for the majority of moms, might not be right for you! Just remember to give yourself grace and trust your gut. Your body will tell you if something is working for you or not. Keep in mind, this article is written for educational purposes, please reach out to your primary physician before adding or removing any supplements or medications.

low folic acid intake

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