5 Surprising Ways Chiropractic Helps Your Pregnancy & Beyond (Plus Cost Tips!)

Forget just backaches and morning sickness! Chiropractic care isn't just for crunching spines; it's a pregnancy power-up, ready to unlock surprising benefits for both mama and your developing baby. From sciatica relief to breeching babies flipping headfirst, chiropractic adjustments can support your body's amazing transformation in ways you never imagined.

So ditch the discomfort and discover how this gentle approach can optimize your journey from bump to birth and beyond!

Dive into our top 5 unexpected ways chiropractic care becomes your pregnancy BFF, and get ready to welcome a happy, healthy you (and maybe even a head-down little one!).

Key Takeaways

  • Chiropractic techniques, especially with the Webster Technique, focus on pelvic alignment and sacral adjustments, offering a non-invasive option to encourage head-down presentation, ease sciatica, improve blood flow, and enhance overall comfort during the final trimester.

  • Chiropractic targets sciatic nerve discomfort during pregnancy by realigning joints, alleviating pressure, improving blood flow, and not only easing sciatica but also reducing back dysfunction, improving posture, aiding optimal fetal positioning, and potentially shortening labor time.

  • Chiropractic can positively impact breastfeeding challenges by addressing misalignments that may affect latch, enhancing milk flow, reducing fussiness, improving digestion, enhancing sleep quality, and decreasing postpartum depression and anxiety.

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International Chiropractic pediatric Association

How Chiropractic Can Help Breeched Babies During Pregnancy

Picture this: your little one's doing somersaults in your belly, but instead of practicing aerial routines, they're stubbornly nestled bottom-down.

You're diagnosed with a breech babies presentation, and birth plans fly out the window.

Fear not, mamas! A gentle hand, not a c-section, might be all it takes to turn your little acrobat headfirst.

Chiropractic treatment, with its focus on pelvic alignment and spinal adjustments, can be a powerful ally in the quest for a head-down presentation. The Webster Technique, a specific adjustment targeting the sacrum and sacroiliac joints, works to create optimal space for baby to maneuver, potentially increasing the odds of a spontaneous cephalic version and helps correct most breech baby presentations. And even if your little Houdini stays put, chiropractic adjustments can still ease sciatica, improve blood flow to the uterus, and boost your overall comfort, making those final trimester weeks a breeze (figuratively speaking, of course!).

So breathe easy, pregnant women – breech doesn't have to spell bad news. Explore the gentle power of chiropractic and give your breech baby the nudge they need to find their happy place, head down and ready for takeoff!

Chiropractic Care For Sciatica Pain During Pregnancy

Chiropractic to avoid cesarean Delivery

Pregnancy. It's a time of blooming beauty and bubbling anticipation, but for many mamas, it's also a dance with the unwelcome shadow of sciatic discomfort. That fiery, radiating discomfort down your leg? Yup, that's the sciatic nerve acting up, pinched or irritated by all the amazing changes happening in your body. But fear not, pregnant moms! Chiropractic care can be your knight in shining armor, wielding gentle adjustments to bring much-needed relief for pelvic pain.

Here's How Sciatica Works

most breech presentations improve

Your growing baby shifts your center of gravity, putting extra pressure on your spine and pelvis. This can misalign your joints, leading to muscle tension and, yep, you guessed it, sciatic nerve irritation. Enter the magic touch of a chiropractor. Through targeted adjustments, they'll gently nudge your joints back into place, taking the pressure off the nerve and letting the fiery sizzle fade away. Plus, chiropractic care can improve blood flow and nerve communication, further reducing inflammation and discomfort with optimal alignment.

But wait, there's more!

Studies have shown that regular chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy can not only ease sciatica but also:

  • Reduce back dysfunction and pelvic discomfort

  • Improve your posture and balance

  • Help your baby get into the optimal head-down position for birth

  • Even shorten your labor time!

Can A Chiropractor Help With Postpartum Recovery

practitioner for process

Pregnancy may be a journey of wonder, but the postpartum period is often a marathon of recovery.

Your body has just achieved an incredible feat, and now it's time to prioritize healing and rediscover your pre-baby bounce without the hormone relaxin flowing through your body. But you don't have to go it alone!

Chiropractic care can be a powerful ally in your postpartum journey, offering a range of benefits that go beyond back discomfort relief and spinal column alignment.

Imagine this: you're cradling your precious newborn, but instead of pure bliss, you're greeted by an unwelcome ache in your lower back. Or maybe that nagging pelvic discomfort just won't seem to budge. Enter the magic touch of a chiropractor.

Through gentle adjustments, they can realign your spine and pelvis, which have been through a lot during pregnancy and delivery. This can not only ease aches but also:

  • Improve your posture and balance, making it easier to carry your little one

  • Reduce fatigue and boost your energy levels, so you can keep up with your new bundle of joy

  • Support breastfeeding by improving latch and milk flow

  • Help your uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size

  • Ease headaches and neck tension, common culprits in sleep-deprived mamas

But the benefits don't stop there! Studies have shown that chiropractic can even help with postpartum depression and anxiety, two conditions that can affect up to one in five new mothers. By optimizing your nervous system function, chiropractic adjustments can promote emotional well-being and help you embrace motherhood with a smile.

Can Chiropractic Adjustments Alleviate Breastfeeding Difficulties

The journey of breastfeeding can be one of the most beautiful and intimate experiences between mother and child. But for some mamas, that journey can be bumpy, riddled with frustration and increased risk of latching challenges or a poor latch. Before tossing in the towel, consider this surprising but promising option.

Yes, you read that right! While primarily known for back pain relief, chiropractic adjustments can work wonders for a mama's breastfeeding journey.

Let's dive into the "how" and "why" behind this gentle approach:

Uncoiling the Knots

During pregnancy and delivery, your body goes through incredible shifts, sometimes leading to misalignments in your spine and pelvis. These misalignments can affect the nerves and muscles involved in breastfeeding, impacting your baby's ability to latch properly and causing you discomfort. Enter the chiropractor, who, through targeted adjustments, gently realigns your joints, easing tension and improving nerve function.

Think Domino Effect

This improved alignment can have a domino effect, enhancing milk flow by optimizing nerve communication to your breasts. It can also make your baby more comfortable by relaxing their jaw muscles and making latching easier. Plus, say goodbye to neck and back pain, common culprits in frustrating breastfeeding sessions.

Studies have shown that chiropractic for moms and infants can also:

  • Reduce fussiness and colic in babies

  • Improve digestion for both mama and baby

  • Enhance sleep quality for everyone involved

  • Decrease postpartum depression and anxiety

Embracing the Journey

Chiropractic adjustment isn't a magic bullet, but it can be a powerful tool in overcoming breastfeeding challenges. Think of it as a way to optimize your body's natural ability to nourish your little one. Remember, a happy and comfortable mama translates to a happy and comfortable baby, paving the way for a more blissful breastfeeding journey.

How Chiropractic Care Can Decrease TMJ Pain During Pregnancy

Ah, pregnancy. A time of glowing skin, blossoming bellies… and, for some moms-to-be, an unwelcome guest: temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discomfort. That achy, clicking, sometimes excruciating discomfort in your jaw can make even the simplest tasks feel like a Herculean feat. But fear not, mamas! Gentle chiropractic care can be your secret weapon in the fight against TMJ woes during pregnancy.

Why Does Pregnancy Trigger TMJ Discomfort?

Blame it on those ever-so-helpful pregnancy hormones, relaxin in particular. This hormone loosens your ligaments and joints to prepare for childbirth, but sometimes, your TMJ takes the brunt of the effect. Add in stress, poor posture, and the newfound joys of sleep deprivation, and you've got the perfect storm for a TMJ flare-up.

Enter the Magic Touch of Chiropractic:

Think of your jaw as a complex set of muscles, joints, and nerves. A chiropractor, through targeted adjustments and techniques, can address any misalignments or imbalances in this delicate area. This can relieve muscle tension, improve nerve function, and ultimately, bring that sweet, sweet jaw-pain relief.

Beyond the Ache:

The benefits of care for TMJ discomfort during pregnancy extend far beyond just silencing the ouchies. By addressing the underlying issues, adjustments can:

  • Improve your posture, reducing neck and back tension that can contribute to TMJ discomfort.

  • Boost your energy levels, leaving you more equipped to tackle all those pregnancy to-dos.

  • Promote better sleep, giving your body the much-needed rest it craves.

  • Help prepare your pelvis for delivery, potentially easing postpartum discomfort.

A Gentle Approach for You and Baby:

Adjustments are a safe and natural approach to managing TMJ pain during pregnancy. The adjustments are gentle, non-invasive, and tailored to your individual needs. Plus, with a focus on overall well-being, it can benefit both you and your little one on the way.

How Much Does Prenatal Chiropractic Care Cost?

The decision to explore prenatal care is often fueled by a desire for a smoother, more comfortable pregnancy journey. But amidst the excitement and anticipation, financial considerations can creep in. "How much will it cost?" becomes a pressing question, and deciphering the price tag can feel like cracking a code. Worry not, mamas! Let's navigate the cost landscape together:

The Price Spectrum

Prenatal care costs can vary depending on several factors, including your location, the chiropractor's experience, and the service package you choose. In general, expect the first visit to be the most expensive, ranging from $60 to $250. Subsequent follow-up sessions typically fall within the $40 to $135 range. Our Doctors at Clarity Chiropractic in Johnston try to be the most affordable option in the Johnston area. Contact our office for specific prices depending on your situation and insurance coverage.

Factors that affect cost

  • Location: Urban areas typically have higher costs than rural areas.

  • Chiropractor's experience: More experienced chiropractors may charge more.

  • Service package: Some chiropractors offer special packages for pregnant women, which may include a discounted rate for multiple sessions. This is where our best discounts lie at Clarity Chiropractic.

  • Additional services: If you require additional services like X-rays or massage therapy, expect your overall cost to increase.

Insurance Coverage:

The good news? Many insurance plans now cover at least some of the cost of chiropractic care for pregnant women. It's crucial to check with your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage. Remember, even if your insurance doesn't cover the entire cost, the out-of-pocket expense might be worth it for the potential benefits you reap.

Investing in Your Well-being:

While cost is an important factor, remember that prenatal chiropractic care is an investment in your well-being and the health of your baby. The potential benefits, like pain relief, improved posture, and a smoother delivery, can significantly enhance your pregnancy experience and impact your postpartum journey.


  • Do your research and compare prices at different chiropractors.

  • Ask about payment plans and discounts.

  • Be upfront with your chiropractor about your budget concerns.


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