Understanding the Causes of Jaw Pain: A Chiropractic Perspective

Roughly 10 million people in the United States suffer from TMJ dysfunction.

Jaw pain or temporomandibular joint disorder is dysfunction that we commonly see at our Johnston, Iowa based chiropractic practice. Several things can lead to TMJ dysfunction, including:

  1. Cervical misalignments.

  2. Misalignment of the jaw.

  3. Tightness of the jaw muscles that control jaw movement.

  4. Bruxism (grinding of the teeth)

  5. Poor posture

Chiropractic treatment can help with many of the above conditions, but especially when it comes to misalignment based issues.

Temporomandibular Disorder Treated With Chiropractic Therapy

When a Johnston Iowa resident comes to our chiropractic treatment facility with jaw pain, they expect us to adjust their jaw. In some cases Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is associated with the jaw, and in those cases we take special care to provide gentle and specific chiropractic treatments to the region. Chiropractic care to the jaw looks different at our office compared to others who use manual therapy or manual manipulation.

At Clarity, we utilize an instrument to adjust the TMJ joint. This instrument is specific and gentle, allowing us to get more impactful results than traditional therapy. That being said, adjustments to the cervical spine can lead to even greater impact.

Chiropractor in Johnston for Jaw Pain

Adjustments to the Spine

Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate jaw pain or tmj pain in multiple ways. The most common cause of jaw pain we find at our Johnston Iowa clinic is upper cervical spine misalignments. When the upper neck is misaligned it can cause neck pain but it can also cause the head to tilt.

Why is head tilt a concern?

In common terms, the jaw is simply a marionette. It is suspended in the air by jaw muscles controlling jaw movement, fascia and ligaments. When the head tilts, the jaw will follow suit. This will begin to gap one side of the jaw, and compress the other side of the jaw into the socket. This style of jaw pain is classic TMJ pain. This commonly leads to clicking and popping of the jaw, inability to open the mouth, even lock jaw can be seen.

Johnston Iowa Chiropractor for TMJ

Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorders: What Treatments Work?

With so many options in today's health care world, how do you pick what works. While I can tell you all chiropractic treatments are not the same, I am not an expert on dental offices or orthodontic practices. We have had several patients with jaw injury get results in our clinic that were not responding with dental offices. The jaw joint is sensitive, and the finesse we provide is often times what temporomandibular joint disorders need.

What causes Jaw Pain?

Jaw pain can be brought on by misalignment of the spine, but other factors can have an impact as well.


Bruxism or teeth grinding can have a negative effect on the tmj joint and can lead to jaw pain. Many individuals in Des Moines unknowingly experience teeth grinding, a chronic habit contributing significantly to jaw pain and muscle tension. Chiropractic interventions play a vital role in addressing underlying causes of teeth grinding, providing relief and preventive measures.

Many things can lead to bruxism, even dietary intolerances. Our Doctors at Clarity are invested in the whole picture, and will do their best to get to the root cause of what ails you and provide the most effective treatment methods possible.


Analyze your posture right now.

Are you sitting in the car, at a desk or even laying in bed scrolling along?

What position is your neck in?

One of the most detrimental things you can do for your neck or cervical spine is look down. This is one of the number one causes of arthritis in necks and leads to a considerable amount of neck pain and neck tension.

How does this relate to your jaw pain?

The jaw is intricately connected to the spine. When there is abnormal tension from looking down, the jaw will tense up, even to the point of causing a chronic headaches. To relieve symptoms and relieve pain, the best thing we can do is correct your posture. At our Johnston based clinic, we help those with poor posture by adjusting the cervical spine and utilizing an orthotic to help correct improper posture and improve neck pain and jaw pain.

Contact our office to learn more about how we can help you stand up straighter and maybe even gain some height back.

Cracking the Misconceptions: Can a Chiropractor Help with TMJ Disorder?

Chiropractic care is uniquely suited to help with TMJ disorders. We have talked about 3 ways our doctors can directly help with tmj pain or jaw pain and even another way indirectly that we can help alleviate chronic pain. There are several different chiropractic techniques out there to help, but at Clarity Chiropractic in Johnston, we utilize torque release technique.

Chiropractor in Johnston for Jaw pain

Why's Your Jaw Grumbling? Understanding Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorders

Jaw dysfunction is almost always a direct reflection of your spine and jaw alignment. Jaw pain, often accompanied by grumbling sounds, can be attributed to various factors, with TMJ disorders standing out as a primary culprit. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), connecting the jawbone to the skull, plays a pivotal role, and its disorders can lead to chronic discomfort. Chiropractic care, specializing in precise adjustments and holistic wellness approaches, offers effective solutions for addressing TMJ-related jaw pain. Early intervention through timely chiropractic care is crucial in preventing symptom progression and fostering long-term well-being, ensuring relief from issues such as popping sounds, jaw stiffness, and overall pain.

Beyond Adjustments: Other Treatments from Clarity Chiropractic for TMJ Disorders

The biggest thing you can do from home is as follows:

  • Soft tissue mobilization: Utilizing a jade facial scraper (purchased from a local boutique) you can begin to mobilize soft tissue. This can help relieve pain and tense muscles, while also draining lymph from under your skin leading to a youthful appearance.

  • Stress management techniques: These can be used to help decrease the amount of tension in your jaw. In times of stress, muscle tension and muscle spasms may occur. These can lead to temporomandibular dysfunction and even a decrease in joint mobility. We recommend Teresa Shaver for help when it comes to managing stress

Navigating the Intersection of Chiropractic Care and Jaw Pain Relief

Clarity Chiropractic's extensive knowledge of jaw anatomy, combined with chiropractic expertise, positions us to provide effective solutions for jaw pain relief. Our comprehensive approach extends beyond symptom management, addressing interconnected factors such as teeth grinding and poor posture that contribute to jaw discomfort.

Patient-Centric Care: Personalized Journey to Relief

Individuals in Des Moines seeking relief from jaw pain are invited to consult with us at Clarity Chiropractic. Our patient-centric approach involves a thorough assessment of each unique condition, allowing us to tailor a treatment plan that aligns with specific needs and goals. From the initial consultation to ongoing care, our focus is on empowering individuals to achieve lasting relief and improved jaw function.

Jaw pain's complexity necessitates a comprehensive understanding. Chiropractic care, with its emphasis on identifying root causes and providing targeted solutions, offers a unique and effective perspective for Des Moines residents. Our commitment to patient-centered care ensures that each individual receives personalized attention and a treatment plan designed to address their unique needs.

Chiro for TMJ pain in Johnston

Addressing Musculoskeletal Conditions and Effective Treatment Plans

Jaw pain often intersects with various musculoskeletal conditions. Our chiropractors, equipped with an understanding of these conditions, formulate effective treatment options. These treatment plans encompass chiropractic adjustments, muscle relaxation techniques, and lifestyle modifications to holistically address jaw pain and trigger points dysfunction. We make it our goal to get to the underlying cause, reduce inflammation and prevent this jaw pain from ever coming back to the surface again.

The Connection Between Chronic Headaches and Jaw Pain

Chronic headaches, often linked with jaw tension, find a common ground in chiropractic care. The intricate relationship between jaw pain and headaches is addressed through chiropractic adjustments, which aim to alleviate tension, reduce pain, and improve overall head and neck function.

Pediatric Chiro for Jaw pain

Root Cause Analysis for Popping Sounds and Jaw Stiffness

Popping sounds and jaw stiffness can be indicative of underlying issues. Chiropractors conduct a thorough root cause analysis to identify and address the factors contributing to these symptoms. By understanding the intricacies of jaw movement and related issues, chiropractic interventions target the root causes for lasting relief.

Exploring Treatment Plans and Manual Therapy for Tense Muscles

Developing personalized treatment plans is a hallmark of chiropractic care at Clarity Chiropractic in Johnston. For individuals experiencing tense muscles in the jaw, chiropractors integrate manual therapy techniques to release tension and restore optimal muscle function. This approach ensures a positive change in jaw positioning, and oftentimes a reduction in pain. Contact Clarity today to see if chiropractic care is the right approach for your situation.

TMJ Chiropractor in Des Moines


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