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Johnston Iowa Chiropractor: Clarity Chiropractic

What our patients are saying about us!

Clarity Chiropractic Testimonial for migraines
Clarity Chiropractic Testimonial for Golf Swing Mobility
Clarity Chiropractic Testimonial for Headache Relief
Clarity Chiropractic Testimonial for TMJ and Jaw Pain

Check out these resources to learn more.

Chiropractic care for more than neck pain?


Neuropathy, Shoulder Impingement, Crossfit, Athletes, Neuropathy

Absolutely not!

At Clarity we use an instrument to adjust the spine, and never have the need to twist, bend, crack, or pop.

Are you going to twist my neck and make it crack?

Pediatric Adjustment at Clarity Chiropractic

Wait, babies can get adjusted?

You Betcha! Infancy is the most important time to get adjusted. On average it takes around 80lbs of force to pull a baby from the womb. That can have quite the negative effect on the spine!

Click below to learn more!