The Clarity
Many things bring people into our Johnston Iowa chiropractic office. Some for wellness, some due to pain, some just for the best chiropractic care available, but all come for results. We strive to provide optimal spinal health with as little impact as possible. Our Johnston chiropractic team is the only team to utilize one of the most researched forms of chiropractic to adjust misalignments through the spine. By utilizing TRT or Torque Release Technique, we are able to assess the tone of your nervous system, and correct the true root cause of your concern.
Pain is not normal, although it is common. At Clarity Chiropractic in Johnston, we understand what your going through because we have seen it before. Walk through our doors in Johnston and experience your Clarity today.
Serving Ankeny, Johnston and Grimes Iowa with Quality Chiropractic Care!
The Adjustment
We utilize an instrument to adjust the spine, which allows us to be more specific than your standard chiropractor. We focus on an upper cervical approach with an emphasis on full spine adjusting.
At Clarity in Johnston Iowa, we utilize a different approach to adjusting. Different, but effective.
Used to getting your back “Popped”?
Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?
You bet! Although there are risks to treatment, the odds of a serious complication range from 1 in a million, to one every 8 million. To put that in perspective 2-3 out of every 10 people that go into elective surgery will develop complications. Chiropractic is one of the safest healthcare options in the world.
Will Chiropractic Help Sciatica?
Absolutely! Chiropractic can help with sciatica, spinal stenosis, pinched nerves, plantar fasciitis, neuropathy and more. Although Chiropractic is not a “Cure-All” it can help regulate the nervous system and allow YOUR body to do the healing. The body is an amazing thing, and can do more than we give it credit for. Given the proper circumstances, the body is capable of anything.
Which Chiropractic technique is best?
A hotly debated topic in Chiropractic is the technique. We at Clarity Chiropractic in Johnston Iowa believe that TRT or Torque release technique is the best possible approach to correction of the nervous system. It is a low force, impactful approach built off of upper cervical research that leaves you feeling better with less soreness than standard manual chiropractic.
How Do Chiropractic Adjustment Work?
A chiropractic adjustment works by relieving pressure off of a nerve. At Clarity Chiropractic in Johnston, not only do we move bones, but we also check for facial buildup, muscle adhesions and the tone of your nervous system. Correction of these can lead to optimal wellness and pain free living.
Why Is Chiropractic Care Important?
We put our bodies through some pretty rough places, and occasionally it can need a tune up. Maybe poor posture is leading to neck pain and headaches, bad lifting mechanics giving you low back pain, or you were involved in a car accident. All of these things can lead to spinal misalignments which negatively affect the brain and nervous system. Chiropractic care in Johnston can help remove those stressors from your body and allow it to function the way God intended.
Can Chiropractic Help With…?
The answer to this question is yes. Chiropractic can help with aches, pains and even organ dysfunction. It is always worth a try before going through more invasive procedures, even if you dont think it can help. At Clarity Chiropractic in Johnston, we give you honest answers, and give you realistic expectations of how and if we can help.
What Chiropractic Services Are Covered By My Insurance?
Generally insurance and chiropractic don’t play nicely, but there is a reason. Insurance pays for sick care, and is there as a “just in case”. Chiropractic near me may initially be associated with a symptom or dysfunction, but after a while, they will most likely be fixed. Continuation of Chiropractic care will prevent those problems from coming back in the future. Insurance is concerned about their financial bottom line, not your health, therefore they do not see the need for you to feel good, they just don’t want you to die. Fortunately our Doctors at Clarity Chiropractic are out of network with most insurance companies, so they can make the best decisions for you based on what your body needs, not based on what your insurance will pay for.
When Was Chiropractic Created?
In the late 1800’s D.D. Palmer, an alternative medicine practitioner, was working at an office building in Iowa. The janitor of the building, an African American by the name of Harvey Lillard, struggled with hearing loss. Mr. Palmer brought him into his office and upon examination found a misalignment in his spine. He put a force into the area, and Harvey’s hearing was restored.
You heard that right, the first chiropractic adjustment wasn’t for pain, but for an organ dysfunction. This led D.D. to found Palmer College of Chiropractic and grow the profession to where it is today.
Our New Patient Process

Arrival & Paperwork
When you first arrive at Clarity Chiropractic in Johnston, you are greeted with a smile and given simple paperwork to fill out prior to your consultation. Feel free to fill out your paperwork beforehand via the email you receive after scheduling.

During your consultation, our team will review your paperwork and have an in-depth conversation on what you are experiencing on a day to day basis. We will discuss your health goals while sharing more information on nerve interference, what it is, and how neurologically based chiropractic care can facilitate healing in your body. Our goal is to provide CLARITY on your spinal health. During this consult, it is a great time to ask any questions you may have about us, your health, as well as chiropractic care.

We utilize the most up to date and reliable technology in the field to evaluate the location and severity of stress and nerve interference present. This helps us get a realistic understanding of what you are going through at that particular time.

While not always necessary, your final step to your initial visit to the office is to have digital x-rays. Conveniently located in our office, our xray setup is safe (exposure that is comparable to flying on a plane), professional, and cost-effective. This allows the doctors to get an exact assessment of your spine and problem areas. To see is to know!

Doctor’s Report
On your second visit at Clarity Chiropractic, Drs. Allison in Johnston or Dr. Walker will sit down and present more information sculpted specifically to your health and our technique. We will discuss your specific assessments and x-ray findings and go over full recommendations for care.

1st Adjustment
After your Report of Findings, you have the opportunity to receive your first gentle and specific adjustment to begin your healing journey at Clarity Chiropractic! Our doctors will talk you through the adjustments while providing a relaxing environment. We can’t wait to begin this process with you!